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Parking Lot Lighting Specialists

The lighting in parking lots plays an essential role in the safety and well-being of guests who use the lot. It can help illuminate the parking lot striping and markers which are essential when navigating. In addition to parking lots, this kind of light may get used to illuminate other areas, including pathways and other public spaces. Parking lot lighting is ideal for areas with pedestrian or vehicular use. Generally, more than one light fixture gets affixed to a large pole to provide ample illumination.

Many parking light systems in use today use HID - or high-intensity discharge lamps. HID lights include ones made with high-pressure sodium, metal halide, and in the case of very old systems, ones made with mercury vapor lamps.

While HID lamps work as excellent lighting sources, they also present unique issues for people who manage properties with lights installed.

Energy Efficiency

Generally, parking lot lighting has to have some serious wattage to keep the area illuminated. Watts on outdoor light fixtures can vary from 100 to 1000. Parking lot fixtures with higher wattage levels provide more output of light.

Other factors, including pole height, the lighting fixtures, and the number of lamps, all contribute to usage and energy costs. The higher the overall wattage used, the more electricity is needed to operate.

Maintenance Expenses

To keep outdoor lighting systems operating at their best. These costs can be substantial due to many factors. These systems tower above at heights of fifteen feet or higher.

Performing maintenance, such as changing lamps or ballasts, requires a bucket lift or truck. Since many people don't own this equipment, working with an outside contractor is a smart solution. By doing so, you're leaving this specialized work to experienced hands.


While HID lights are all similar, they have different spectrums and hues to the light. For instance, metal halide lamps emit 'white' light. However, this type of lamp loses lumens faster, so the overall lifespan of the lamp degrades more quickly.

Metal halide lamps that are nearing the end of their usable lifespan emit a 'pink' light that barely penetrates to the ground.

High-pressure sodium lamps experience less degradation of lumens and produce an 'orange' light. Each lamp has distinct advantages that must get taken into consideration.

If you want bright white lighting, you may have to sacrifice lamp longevity for the desired lighting effect for your parking lot lighting system.

For those who prefer lamp longevity over the color of the light, and lower maintenance costs, high-pressure sodium lighting offers a better value.

Choosing The Best Lighting Solution

If you need assistance with parking lot lighting repair in Dallas, Ft. Worth, or Arlington, Texas, contact Clements Electric for all your parking lot lighting repair or replacement needs. We're available to work on parking lot lights of all heights and varieties.

LED Retrofit Lighting For Businesses

If you're thinking about refreshing the lighting in your facility with a more modern lighting solution, there are many options available to you. One of today's most effective ways to make significant changes to your existing lighting systems is by retrofitting. To explain how this works, here is a primer on the retrofitting process.

What Is A Retrofit?

When retrofitting a facility, new components, accessories, and technology get added to the building. Anything that isn't part of the original structure or construction is considered a retrofit. LED lighting retrofits help to provide bright, efficient lighting in structures and facilities of all sizes.

In LED retrofits, LED lights replace traditional lighting technology. This type of renovation is ideal across a broad range of lighting needs, including interior and exterior lighting for commercial applications, including Parking Lot Lighting Installation.

What Are The Benefits?

There are many notable benefits of LED retrofitting. Energy efficiency, lower energy costs, and better lighting rank among the top. Additional incentives, such as a rebate from the government, make this a wise investment.

It's worth noting that LED lighting works differently from traditional lighting solutions. Before retrofitting your facilities with LEDs, here are things you need to consider.

Luminaires and fixtures are not the same. If you want to keep your existing accessories, compatible conversion options retrofit the fixture for new LED bulbs. If both the housing and the light are getting replaced, you have your choice of options from modern to industrial lighting accessories. Depending on your business type, you might consider task lights, recessed troffer lights, track lighting, outdoor lighting, lay in features, LED warehouse lighting, or desk lamps.

All of these fixtures help to provide adequate lighting for employees, guests, and other visitors to see clearly. If you enjoy the convenience of dimmers, it's worth noting that LED lights are generally not compatible with traditional lighting systems. LED dimmers must get installed with new bulbs for dimming capabilities.

Whichever you decide, LEDs are compatible with standard fixtures that do not use a dimmer.

Roughly 10% of the operating costs of a building gets spent at the time of purchase. 90% gets spent on various operating expenses, including electricity, heating, cooling, and lighting. Lighting is generally the most significant expense. However, with LED retrofitting costs can get driven down substantially. Not only does your building get the benefit of improved lighting, but owners are also likely to enjoy a sharp decrease in their energy bills.

LED Retrofitting In Dallas, Texas

If you need help with LED retrofitting or Parking Lot Lighting Installation in the Arlington, Dallas, Ft. Worth area, contact the experts at Clements Electric to talk about your project today.


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